We will be on Holiday 12/12-1/5 w/ limited shipping. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!! We are so grateful for your business.

Home of The Flesh Tone Color Wheel® and Flesh Tone Fan™

Check out our New Skin Palette and updated Rescue Palette!!!

Terri Tomlinson has been a working makeup artist for over 30 years.

She carries and creates "workhorse" products, items she can use on her private clients, training her students and working in the production industry. Terri-Tested and Approved. 

Visit MakeupClassOnline.com for Terri's online Color Theory & Makeup Classes. 

***Black Friday Special at MakeupClassOnline: Code Friday for a special rate on the Color Theory in Flesh Tone Bundle. Code Friday2 gets you $100 off of The Program, our entire roster of classes. (Nov 29-Dec2, 2024.)